WRES provides Basic Life Support as Medical First Responders. We answer all medical calls for breathing difficulty, possible stroke events, trauma, diabetic emergencies and all others. Hamilton County provides transport to a local hospital and we assist them with a first response as well as provide the ambulance with the patient’s medical status and condition prior to their arrival.

Medical Volunteer Spotlight: SHERMAN FORD

Sherman is a longtime resident of Walden’s Ridge, serving since 2008 as a volunteer at WRES. He began his fire service career at Lone Oak Volunteer Fire Department. In 2002, he joined Hamilton County Emergency Medical Service. After receiving his paramedic license in 2005, Ford joined Medic 8 on Signal Mountain. “Somebody may never have to use our services,” Ford says. “But their neighbor might. It could be a son, daughter or mother. The reason I volunteer is if I don't do it, who will?  If their house catches on fire, if they get lost in the woods, if they fall off the mountain, if they have a medical emergency, they need help.”